A dear friend sent me the cartoon shown above (I don’t know where she found it or who had drawn it). My friend, who knows me well, called it “Andy arriving on Earth.” It seems very fitting to me!
We humans love to think that we are the ultimate form of life, the master species, better than all others. This is arrogance and is born of a vast ignorance. We assume that because we have developed the abilities to manipulate and destroy other species more than any other species has, that makes us better.
What we seem to be painfully slow at realising is that all of life is inter-related and inter-dependent. Putting one part above another creates imbalance, as well as being patently absurd.
Yes, I would hug a tree first because trees are simple and open and much wiser than us humans, and their love is unconditional. We have much to learn from them.
Happy New Year!