
This page contains guided meditations in the form of audio recordings.  For each meditation, there are two files.  One contains some instructions to help you to prepare for the meditation.  The other contains the guided meditation itself.

You will also find a recording of meditation chimes and some audio suitable for sitting in silence (with chimes at the end).

Some of the file sizes are large.

For other meditation ideas, take a look at the things to try.

For some basic instructions for silent sitting mediation, listen to the last 4 episodes of the mindfulness series.

This page contains guided meditations in the form of audio recordings.  For each meditation, there are two files.  One contains some instructions to help you to prepare for the meditation.  The other contains the guided meditation itself.

You will also find a recording of meditation chimes and some audio suitable for sitting in silence (with chimes at the end).

Some of the file sizes are large.

For other meditation ideas, take a look at the things to try.

For some basic instructions for silent sitting mediation, listen to the last 4 episodes of the mindfulness series.

preparing for the sun and moon meditation

sun and moon meditation

Each of us has both a masculine aspect and a feminine aspect, regardless of whether we are man or woman. This guided meditation puts us in touch with the energy of the sun, to replenish our masculine energy, and the energy of the moon, ro replenish our feminine energy. The meditation itself lasts for quarter of an hour.

sun and moon meditation

secret garden meditation

This gentle guided meditation helps us relax and nourish ourselves. It can be used any time but is especially helpful when we are feeling overwhelmed by life. The meditation itself lasts for quarter of an hour.

preparing for the secret garden meditation

secret garden meditation

letting go meditation

This guided meditation, first published in the series on death, helps us to become aware of our attachments and, with luck, to let go of those attachments. The meditation itself lasts for half an hour.

preparing for the letting go meditation

letting go meditation

left right balancing meditation

This thirty-minute guided meditation helps us to balance the energy between the left and right sides of the body. This also represents a balancing of the feminine and masculine aspects within us. When this yin-yang pair is balanced, a profound integration can occur.

preparing for left right balancing meditation

left right balancing meditation

meditation chimes

Here is a recording of meditation chimes sounding three times.

meditation chimes

A flower.