dawn chorus (2017)

Main dawn chorus page.

This page holds episodes recorded in 2017.


sipping nectar

tiny ant

ground squirrel

paw print

jasmine in moonlight

starburst palm frond

chattering birds


creaking bamboo

flurry of leaves

grey day

water lily leaves

muddy puddles

A wren perched on a bramble.
Rocks worn smooth by water

tiny clusters of flowers

natural woodland

smell of cow dung

beads of water

water worn rocks

tall grasses

trickle of water

peace and quiet

ocean breeze

raining flowers

wind blown sand

thorny bush

spring birdsong


nesting woodpecker

pine needles in  the sun

fallen tree

fresh growth

glow worms

grazed hillside


steaming landscape

backlit ferns

whales and dolphins

Page with episodes recorded in: