dawn chorus (2016)

Main dawn chorus page.

This page holds episodes recorded in 2016.


tree in blossom

fluttering and gliding

temple rock

snow-capped mountains

macaques and langurs

mossy tree

flower butterflies

after the rain

hollow tree

stream of butterflies

damp dark place

unabashed parakeets

yin & yang of nature

animals at ease

copper coloured rock

tiny bird

natural shelter

buzz of bees

sun and breeze

pine needles

shades of green

dead branches

rustling of leaves

still air

morning bee


scent of a wild rose

A wren perched on a bramble.
A hummingbird hovering

sunlight  through leaves

harvest moon

brushing grasses

quiet woods

morning mists

withering grapes


from shade into sunlight



Page with episodes recorded in:

2014 & 2015