what is essential?


As I write this, a relatively new coronavirus is spreading amongst humans the world over. In order to slow this spread, many governments have told their citizens to stay at home. Cafés, restaurants and places of entertainment are all closed, as are many other businesses. It turns out that almost all of the frenetic modern lifestyle that we normally live is non-essential. So this pandemic is an opportunity for us to rediscover what is essential.

Acquiring and consuming food and water is, reasonably enough, deemed essential. And in the UK, where I find myself during this period, we are also encouraged to get some outdoor exercise – walking, running or cycling – each day. And that’s about it regarding material life.

One way of summarising the spiritual journey is as a search for what is essential within oneself: Who am I, really? These weeks of life being simplified and slowed down are a great opportunity for us to ask that question of ourselves. It is certainly showing us how much of our usual activity can be dispensed with – how all that doesn’t really determine who we are, deep down.

So let us grasp this opportunity and look within ourselves – through meditation or introspection – and see if we can begin to glimpse the essence of ourselves!