twenty-five years of reiki


I recently passed the 25th anniversary of having been attuned to reiki.

I am no evangelist. I find it rather off-putting when someone is too enthusiastic about something, so I try to avoid making that mistake myself. However, I have to say, reiki is absolutely amazing. It sounds like a cliché but it’s true to say: reiki changed my life. It changed the whole course of my life.

For a quarter of a century, I have been blessed with this gentle, harmonising, healthful energy. It’s been with me like the most trusty friend, through thick and thin, always available when I was in need. And in some mysterious way, it has been steering me on my spiritual path. To this day, it remains at the core of my practice.

Spiritual practices, like most things in modern society, tend to follow fashions. Reiki is no longer the in thing. It’s a pity. What a different world we would be living in if everyone were attuned to reiki.