after the wedding


A wedding happened here at the normally tranquil Horizon guest house. For twenty-four hours the ceremony and celebrations disturbed the serenity of this place. And with that, my own serenity was disturbed. Whatever is in the field around me, I feel as if it were internal to me. Non-separation is not necessarily always a good thing, but it is a fact of life!

After a leisurely breakfast this morning, the wedding party departed and the guest house owner and his wife set about cleaning the space. With that cleansing, calmness returned and my being gave a sigh of relief.

This afternoon, walking on one of the nearby mountain paths, I noticed that my mind was unusually quiet. The natural beauty of these goat herders’ paths always puts me in a meditative frame of mind. Today though, the effect was even more marked. It seemed to me that a pendulum had swung from the bubbly chatter of the party to the profound silence of deep meditation.

So maybe disturbances are not so bad after all, if existence maintains the balance with an extra dose of stillness to compensate.