science and mystery – introduction


Welcome to this series of written articles in which we will be exploring the scientific method, its limitations and how it relates to mystery. In order to explore this terrain, the articles will have a completely different style to the rest of the material on this website.

At first glance, it might seem that science and mystery are irreconcilable. Science is about determining objective truths about the universe, verifiable by observation and experiment, whilst a mystic asserts that the universe (including everything in it) is essentially a mystical phenomenon – something which cannot be known in the scientific sense. However, these two perspectives can actually co-exist comfortably. More than that, both the scientific and mystical approaches yield irrefutable truths and both perspectives are required if we are to live life to its fullest potential.

The intention with these articles is not to devalue science. The scientific method has proved to be astoundingly useful, enhancing human life in myriad ways and revealing tremendous beauty and intricacy in the natural world. Science is amazing! However, it does have limitations…

The first few articles will look at the scientific method, what it delivers, and its fundamental limitations. After that, some specific questions that are not amenable to the scientific approach will be aired. Later articles might develop into more of a blog commenting on scientific news from the perspective of a mystic.