this is it

This is it!

Can we appreciate this moment? Because this is it, this is life – this moment exactly as it is. Or do we need to meddle with it? Do we need to change something, to correct something, to make something better? Because if that’s how we feel, we’re missing it.

Just assume for a moment that you can’t change anything, you can’t change anything about this moment, not even the slightest detail, nothing. This is all that’s offered, exactly as it is, with the nice things and the ugly things; the things you like and the things you hate; all of it, exactly as it is. Can we appreciate it, this moment? Can we?

If we can, if we can be in love with this moment, if we can find that feeling for this moment, right now, if we can have that openness, as if we are meeting our lover, if we can meet this moment with that warmth and affection, that tenderness and that joy and appreciation, this moment, exactly as it is, if we can do that, what a wonderful life this is; what a wonderful moment this is.

There is no need to improve it in any way. Let’s just open our eyes. Isn’t it amazing that you can see, that you can hear, that your senses are feeding you this juice of the moment. Aren’t we lucky. Aren’t we fortunate beyond compare, to be given this gift of this moment – the colours, the sounds, the smells, the taste in the mouth – this moment, exactly as it is, what a gift! And all these sensations in the body, this living thing with its movement and all its myriad of processes that we are not even really aware of – the heart beating, blood moving in our veins, our breath coming and going relentlessly, what a gift!

So let’s not bother looking elsewhere. Let’s drop any idea of changing anything. Nothing needs to be improved. This is it! This is it.

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