if you want to meet God
If you want to meet God
treat every moment of life as play
God is not a serious fellow. You only have to take one look at the ironies of life to understand that. Existence is a comedy show. And we are part of that comedy – a painful comedy at times but a comedy nonetheless. And when we take things seriously, we distance ourselves from God. That seriousness has a rigidity to it, there’s a tension involved. It’s like a breeze-block. And when we are living as a breeze-block, life becomes grey and square.
That seriousness wants things to be a certain way. It’s not really interested in the way things actually are, in the moment. It’s only interested in its nice, neat structure. But we will not find God this way. To meet God, we have to become God. Or more precisely, we have to realise that we are God. And by realise I don’t mean a philosophical realisation, I don’t mean we just have to mentally understand that we are God. No, we have to make it real. And this reality has very little to do with mental activity, with thoughts, ideas, concepts. These belong to that breeze-block world of seriousness. What we are after is a feeling. And the feeling is more one of honey: a feeling of relaxation. And with that relaxation comes a fluidity, a melting and a warmth. And when we are living as this feeling, there is no structure. There is no knowing how life is about to flow in the next moment. And because we don’t know the next moment, we can but live in this moment, now, as this playful, warm, liquid honey.
And with this lightness of being and this present moment awareness, there is quite a good chance that we will drop all the baggage that we had been clinging onto with our seriousness – not just one breeze-block but a whole heap of breeze-blocks, a breeze-block mansion that we had created. We can drop all that and become like lava: ever flowing, fresh, new. And from this space, from this space we will come to realise that we are God.
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