can you feel the beauty of it?
Can you feel the beauty of it?
Can you feel the beauty in this moment?
Feeling the divine in the moment, in this moment, is not difficult. It's so simple. That's why we so often miss it. It's too simple for our complicated mind.
The thinking mind always wants to be clever, always wants to have a great theory. It needs to have a problem and identify the cause of that problem and create a kind of holy war, supposedly to solve the problem. But really it's just self aggrandisement by the mind, wanting to feel important, wanting to feel powerful. Small children playing in the school, playground, have more maturity. It would be a joke worth laughing at, if it weren't for the great tragedy: That all that unnecessary complexity takes us away from this, from feeling the beauty. And it's not an active doing on our part. To feel the beauty in this moment, we need simply relax, let go of doing. It is a surrender, not in a negative way – we are just giving up a bad habit.
And in this relaxation, the feeling of beauty comes to us. It washes over one. It drowns one. In it, one is simply lost, one disappears. The beauty has overwhelmed us. And the mind will want to jump in, of course and applaud it, and maybe give reasons for it.
In this moment, for example, I am sitting in a forest by a lake. A strong morning sun is filtering through the leaves and reflecting in shimmering, glittering sparkles of light from the surface of the water. It's an ancient forest, the forest floor is composed entirely of fallen tree trunks and branches, in various states of decay, and all of it covered in a in a deep soft moss. A gentle breeze is blowing. It's easy, of course, to feel the beauty of this nature, and I am indeed fortunate to often find myself in such places.
But the beauty of which I speak is not limited to nature. It is not dependent upon the immediate surroundings. There is a deeper beauty in life, the beauty of the divine, which is everywhere at all times. And when we are feeling this beauty, the beauty of it, it's a timeless feeling. All of eternity is present in this moment. And the whole boundless extent of the universe is right here before me. And not even before me – it is in me. Everything is here. And I can sense it only because I've relaxed into this moment and I have allowed the beauty of it to overcome me.
Dare you allow yourself to be overwhelmed? Can you let yourself be overcome? Can you? Can you feel the beauty of it?
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