beauty is felt in silence
Beauty is felt in silence
Have you noticed that when you are filled with a sense of beauty, in that moment there are no thoughts, there are no words, not even the word beauty. The real feeling of beauty happens in moments when the mind is silent. Of course the mind will probably jump in very quickly with some thoughts, some words, trying to capture that feeling of beauty, to represent it. If you pay close attention, though, you'll see that as soon as the first thought pops into the mind, the feeling of beauty is greatly diminished. It fades into the background, and we are distracted by the dryness of thought.
Beauty is all around and it's a resonance. It's a resonance of the outer with the inner. This is why it sometimes said beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's not just in the eye of the beholder. It's a resonance, a resonance between that being seen and that which is seeing. And of course it might be one of the other senses at play. A sound could be beautiful. A taste can be beautiful. A smell can be beautiful. A touch can be beautiful. For us to be filled with this beauty we have to be present with one of these senses, or perhaps all of them simultaneously. In truth, the whole moment is beautiful, when we allow ourselves to feel it, when we set aside our thoughts for a moment and simply appreciate what is. And this feeling of beauty, it gives life meaning in a way. Without beauty life would be like a desert. It would be life-less.
So beauty is of tremendous significance. And we find it between the words, in moments of silence, in moments of being.
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