bare foot touches earth

Bare foot touches earth

She holds her child

I don’t know whether you ever walk barefoot. I do, from time to time. I enjoy the feeling of the ground, the sensation of it touching my feet, the different textures of rock and grass and soil.

When we touch the earth this way, we are touching that which we came from – mother nature, life, the great earth mother. And of course, she holds us, she supports us. We need to take the step though.

And it is an analogy for every step on the spiritual path. First we must take a step, not knowing what it will feel like, not knowing what will happen, what will become of us. It has to come from a place of trust and courage. We take a step. And then we are held, supported. But first we must take the step. And this is always the way with spirituality. We take a step into the dark, into not knowing, into the unknown. And as it turns out, we are held, we are supported.

So take the first step, and then another, and another. And you will see, by and by, every step seems scary – it could be the end of you – no idea what is going to happen or where you are going. And yet every time, we are held by her, by the great mother, she who nourishes us, she who brought us into being, she who continues to bring us into being, every day, every moment, with every breath.

So enjoy your footsteps, as you walk barefoot, and are held with every step.

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