a deep chill
A deep chill
Time to burn everything
Have you reached that point yet? Have you reached the end of the line? Have you reached that place where there is nothing else you can do? It can feel like a chill in the heart: a cold, cold place, where nothing works anymore. Not even the great masters can help you. The wisest teachings turn dry in the mouth and there is nothing to be done; except, to burn everything.
Everything that you are; everything that you are clinging onto – all your possessions, your relationships, your jobs, your titles, your status – everything is food for the inferno. It is nothing but fuel for that great fire that has to engulf you. It has to engulf what you think you are. Only when all that has burnt up, when you have reduced yourself to a pile of ashes, nothing but dust, blowing in the wind, only then, only then can transformation happen; only then can the new come into being.
Have you reached that point yet? Do you feel a deep chill in your very bones? A chill that not even the hottest sun can overcome. A chill that demands that you burn everything. Only when you have no choice left, only when you have tried every other possible solution, only then will you do it. Only then will you allow yourself to be consumed by the fire.
Have you reached that point? Have you? Are you ready to burn? Are you ready to burn everything?
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