snippets of satsang
This audio series contains short extracts from satsangs given by Andy.
Use the links on the right hand side to access pages covering different series of satsangs.
Recordings were made using a single floor microphone and the questions are sometimes inaudible. Also, there is often much background noise.
Dharamsala (India) April 2018
satsang 6th April 2018:
am I a hopeless case?
the mind creates stories
the quality of experience
when the mind is quiet
we need to come back
to our centre
a journey into simplicity
a longing to die
paradox, authenticity
and integrity
satsang 9th April 2018:
residual energy from
a past relationship
keep cleansing oneself
unintentional celibacy
the yin & yang
of sexual advances
sexual attraction
and liking someone
sexual attraction to
that which we dislike
embracing the shadow
satsang 11th April 2018:
relaxation & peacefulness
a deeper place of calmness
allowing existence
to touch one
simple teachings of
Thich Nhat Hanh
I don’t have to do anything
satsang 13th April 2018:
feelings of unworthiness
feelings of sadness
fear of losing one’s answers
connection requires presence
be gentle with yourself
decision making
choosing randomly
masculine & feminine balance
masculine & feminine balance
satsang 16th April 2018:
allowing the sense of
self to dissolve
cause & effect
is a story in the mind
satsang 18th April 2018:
longing for silence
what is the ego?
most thoughts are useless
the sense of oneself
as the doer
mind creates duality
relating in images
(note: I have melded Kali with Durga)
elements of a spiritual path a
elements of a spiritual path b
whether to laugh or cry
there is something else
going on here
satsang 20th April 2018:
empty head meditation
we consume
emotions of animals
we don’t solve problems
– they disappear
widening the field
of possibilities
an excitement in not knowing
non-doing whilst still
being in the dance
satsang 23rd April 2018:
flower sermon
enlightenment experiences
every moment is new
things come to us
don’t make life one big
missed opportunity
a wholeness of being
satsang 25th April 2018:
intuition, love and
the space of being
a gateway to deeper
parts of our being
the distinction between inner
and outer disappears
a unified sensory experience
thinking mind is
separating things
you are not in control
of your thoughts
energy play
how much discipline
is appropriate?
satsang 27th April 2018:
pain & psychological suffering
am I becoming stupid?
like the perfect cup of tea
going mouldy
is seeking a hinderance
to enlightenment?
spiritual consumerism
going beyond the
psychological work